Map of Cambodia With Cities and Regions

Cambodia is like a jewel in Southeast Asia, nestled between Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam. The country has a rich and varied landscape, with a heart that beats in the bustling capital city of Phnom Penh.

Map of Cambodia

physical map of cambodia
Physical map of Cambodia with all the relief forms, regions and big cities (Depositphotos)

Key geography facts

1. Cambodia’s landscape is dominated by the vast Central Plain, where the Tonle Sap Lake and the Mekong River create fertile areas for agriculture. These waterways are crucial for the country’s farming and fishing industries.

2. Cambodia is surrounded by mountain ranges, with the Cardamom Mountains in the southwest to the Dangret Mountains forming the border with Thailand in the north. The eastern highlands extend into Laos and Vietnam. These mountains add contrast to the generally flat central plains.

3. Cambodia boasts a 443 km (275 mi) coastline along the Gulf of Thailand with over 50 islands off its coast. The coastline is known for its beaches and tropical climate, attracting many visitors.

4. Cambodia has two main seasons: rainy (May to late September) and dry (October to April). The country’s lowlands remain hot year-round, with temperatures rarely dipping below 80°F (27°C).

5. The highest point in Cambodia is Phnom Aural, standing at 1,813 meters (5,948 feet) in the Cardamom Mountains.

Recommended reading: Interesting Facts About Cambodia

political map of cambodia
Cambodia has a 443 km (275 mi) long coast along the Gulf of Mexico (Shutterstock)

Cambodia regions

Cambodia has 25 administrative divisions: the capital (Khmer: krŏng) Phnom Penh and 24 provinces (Khmer: khet).

  1. Banteay Meanchey (បន្ទាយមានជ័យ)
  2. Battambang (បាត់ដំបង)
  3. Kampong Cham (កំពង់ចាម)
  4. Kampong Chhnang (កំពង់ឆ្នាំង)
  5. Kampong Speu (កំពង់ស្ពឺ)
  6. Kampong Thom (កំពង់ធំ)
  7. Kampot (កំពត)
  8. Kandal (កណ្តាល)
  9. Kep (កែប)
  10. Koh Kong (កោះកុង)
  11. Kratié (ក្រចេះ)
  12. Mondulkiri (មណ្ឌលគិរី)
  13. Oddar Meanchey (ឧត្តរមានជ័យ)
  14. Pailin (ប៉ៃលិន)
  15. Phnom Penh (ភ្នំពេញ)
  16. Preah Sihanouk (ព្រះសីហនុ)
  17. Preah Vihear (ព្រះវិហារ)
  18. Prey Veng (ព្រៃវែង)
  19. Pursat (ពោធិ៍សាត់)
  20. Rattanakiri (រតនគិរី)
  21. Siem Reap (សៀមរាប)
  22. Stung Treng (ស្ទឹងត្រែង)
  23. Svay Rieng (ស្វាយរៀង)
  24. Takéo (តាកែវ)
  25. Tboung Khmum (ត្បូងឃ្មុំ)

Autonomous municipality

Phnom Penh is the only city in Cambodia that is an autonomous municipality, meaning it has the same level of authority and importance as the country’s provinces.

Map of Cambodia in Southeast Asia

Cambodia is bordered by Vietnam, Thailand and Laos.

Cambodia major cities

Phnom Penh – The capital and largest city of Cambodia, known for its royal palace, museums, and vibrant culture.

Battambang – Known for its well-preserved colonial architecture and rich agricultural surroundings.

Siem Reap – The gateway to the Angkor Wat temple complex and a major tourist destination.

Sihanoukville – A coastal city famous for its beaches and islands and as a hub for tourism.

Kampong Cham – A significant city along the Mekong River, known for its historical sites and rubber plantations.

facts about cambodia king


Cambodia King Monument in Phnom Penh City commemorates former King Norodom Sihanouk, who led the crusade for independence.

cambodia facts angkor wat


The Angkor Wat is a temple that features on the country flags and banknotes.

fascinating facts about cambodia mekong river


Tourists take trips up and down the Tonle Sap and Mekong rivers.

kampot cambodia


Buildings and a river in Kampot.

poipet cambodia


Cambodia International Border Gate with Thailand in Poipet.

Smaller Cities

Other Cities in Cambodia: Chbar Mon, Kampot, Poipet, Preah Sihanouk, Serei Saophoan, Ta Khmau.

Kampot – Famous for its pepper plantations, colonial architecture, and proximity to Bokor National Park.

Poipet – A key border city with Thailand, known for its casinos and as a gateway for travelers.

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Caitriona Maria is an education writer and owner of The Facts Institute. A teacher for seven years, she has been committed to providing students with the best learning opportunities possible, both domestically and abroad. Dedicated to unlocking students' potential, Caitriona has taught English in several countries and continues to explore new cultures through her travels.

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Ivy Hollys is a freelance content writer for integrity-based information platforms.

Her focus is primarily on using her skill to provide accurate information to everyone. With a background in natural resource conservation, she writes helpful content for platforms with similar interest.

Her experience in writing spans across various platforms including news and lifestyle blogs in her home country and abroad.