12 Fun Facts About Space To Transport You to a Different World

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Pluto is no longer classified as a planet, which is a well-known fact about space. However, there’s a good chance you know more.

The Universe is filled with incredible phenomena, and scientists have only scratched the surface of understanding it. Here are some of the most fascinating facts we know about space.

1. The Moon Is Not Exactly Spherical

moon earth
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The gray, round-looking moon in the night sky is actually oddly-shaped. Despite its appearance, the moon is far from being a perfect sphere. It is flatter at its poles and has a wider equator. Tidal forces and Earth’s gravity tug can explain most of the moon’s topography and shape.

2. Space Is Totally Silent

astronaut space
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Scientists can hear charged particles in space with the right tools, but astronauts cannot hear their friends speak. This phenomenon is because there is no air in space, so sound waves cannot travel. Astronauts rely on radio waves to communicate in space. 

3. Stars Way Bigger Than the Sun

earth sun space
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As it turns out, the sun is just an average sized star.

In our solar system, that is, the Milky Way, there are stars bigger than the sun.

One such star is referred to as a “hypergiant star” and is popularly known as UY Scuti. You could fit more than 5 billion suns inside UY Scuti.

But UY Scuti is not the only one. There are other stars in our galaxy that are bigger than the sun, such as star VV Cephei A and V354 Cephei.

4. The Milky Way Smells of Raspberries and Rum 

milky way
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The center of our galaxy contains clouds filled with ethyl formate, a dominant property in raspberries and rum. 

But don’t go thinking you can drink space in a bottle. The alcohol content is shallow, and there are many other nasty chemicals. 

5. There May Be Life on Mars

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In the case that we need to vacate Earth, we may find solace on Mars.

Cumulative evidence suggests that Mars was once habitable, and compared to the other seven planets in our solar system, Mars had much more favorable conditions for supporting life.

Although there has been no proof of past life, scientists may find something soon enough. A scientist named Dirk Schulze-Makuch last year claimed that about 50 years ago, NASA might have unintentionally discovered life on Mars, only to accidentally destroy it before recognizing its significance.

6. Space Has an Uncountable Number of Stars

viewing night sky
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Space has a vastness that is out of this world; well, it is out of this world. Its vastness makes it impossible to accurately predict the number of stars in the universe. 

Even if scientists try to estimate the number of stars in our galaxy, the stars in billions of other galaxies remain inestimable. 

7. On Mercury, a Day Is Twice as Long as a Year

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A single day on Mercury, that is, one day-night cycle, lasts for 176 Earth days — a little over two years on Mercury. The days on Mercury are called solar days. 

Although it’s been over 50 years since anyone has stepped on the moon, the footprints left will be there for many years.

Unlike on Earth, there is no rainfall, wind, or active volcanoes to erode them. 

8. When You Gaze Into the Sky, You Gaze Into the Past

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Whenever you look at the sky, you look at the Universe as if it were in the past.

If a star is 4 light years away, you see what the star looked like 4 years ago. This is due to the constant and finite speed of light.

If some of the very distant stars exploded tomorrow, we may not know about it until centuries later.

9. 1 Teaspoon of Neutron Star Would Weigh as Much as Our Highest Mountain 

neutron star
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The density of a neutron star is astonishing. These stars consist of densely packed neutrons in a tiny radius, and they are only about 12 mi (20 km) wide. They are typically about 1.4 times the mass of our sun.

One teaspoon would weigh more than Mount Everest!

10. Planets Made Out of Diamonds May Exist

diamond planet
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Studies have shown that exoplanets, or planets outside our solar system, could be made out of diamonds.

These planets have a higher ration of carbon to oxygen. Scientists predict that the carbon-rich exoplanets could create diamonds at high heat and pressure.

11. The Moon Gets Farther Away Every Year

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The moon moves away from us by 3.78cm per year. The process is slow, but experts believe it’s been happening for millions of years.

This means that Earth will take longer to complete a full rotation. They predict that in approximately 200 million years, Earth’s days will extend by an entire hour, lasting 25 hours.

12. Jupiter’s Great Red Spot Is Twice the Size of the Earth

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The Great Red Spot of Jupiter is a high-pressure region found in Jupiter’s atmosphere. It is a persistent storm that is one of the longest-lasting in the solar system.

Jupiter—the largest planet in the solar system—has a spot that is about twice as wide as Earth. If this doesn’t make you feel small, I don’t know what will. 

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Caitriona Maria is an education writer and owner of The Facts Institute. A teacher for seven years, she has been committed to providing students with the best learning opportunities possible, both domestically and abroad. Dedicated to unlocking students' potential, Caitriona has taught English in several countries and continues to explore new cultures through her travels.